1. Boule, M.E., and G.B. Shea, 1978. “Snohomish Estuary Wetlands Study — Delineation of Wetland Boundaries,” for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, 68 pages.
2. Burrell, G., 1978. “Snohomish Estuary Wetlands Study, Volume III: Classification and Mapping,” for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle, District.
3. Calder, J.A., and R.L. Taylor, 1968. “Flora of the Queen Charlotte Islands,” Part I.
4. Collias, E. E., N. McGary, and C.A. Barnes, 1974. Atlas of Physical and Chemical Properties of Puget Sound and its Approaches. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA.
5. DOE (see Washington Department of Ecology.