1. M. G. Silk and B. N. Lidington, Defect sizing using an ultrasonic time delay approach,Br. J. Non-Destr. Test. 17:33?36 (1975).
2. S. Golan, J. Baruch, and S. Yaroh,Sizing of Cracks with Time Delay of Scattered Ultrasonic Waves, Israel Institute of Metals, Technion, Internal Report 014-146 (1977).
3. M. G. Silk, Sizing cracklike defects by ultrasonic means, inResearch Techniques in Nondestructive Testing, R. S. Sharpe, ed. (Academic, New York, 1977), Vol. 3, Chap. 2.
4. S. Golan, Sizing of cracks with scattered ultrasonic waves, First International Symposium on Ultrasonic Materials Characterization, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md. (June 1978).
5. S. Golan, Optimization of the crack tip ultrasonic diffraction technique for sizing of cracks, to be published inMater. Eval. (to appear).