1. Arvind, Sharing of Computations in Functional Language Implementations, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, July 1984.
2. F. W. Burton and M. R. Sleep, "Executing functional programs on a virtual tree machine", Proc. 1981 Conf. Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Oct. 1981, 187–194.
3. F. W. Burton, "Annotations to control parallelism and reduction order in the distributed evaluation of functional programs", ACM Trans. Prog. Lang and Systems 6, 2 (Apr. 1984), 159–174.
4. F. W. Burton and M. M. Huntbach, "Virtual tree machines", IEEE Trans. on Computers C-33, 3 (Mar. 1984), 278–280.
5. F. W. Burton, "Speculative computation, parallelism, and functional programming", IEEE Trans. on Computers C-34, 12 (Dec. 1985), 1190–1193.