1. ‚Proceedings of the International Workshop on Timed Petri Nets, IEEE CS press, Torino, Italy (July 1985).
2. M.K. Molloy, “Discrete Time Stochastic Petri Nets,” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering SE-11(2) pp. 417–423 (April 1985).
3. M.A. Holliday and M.K. Vernon, “A Generalized Timed Petri Net Model for Performance Analysis,” in Proc. Int. Workshop on Timed Petri Nets, IEEE, Torino, Italy (July 1985).
4. M.K. Molloy, “On the Integration of Delay and Throughput Measures in Distributed Processing Models,” Ph.D. Thesis, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA (1981).
5. S. Natkin, “Les Reseaux de Petri Stochastiques et leur Application a l'Evaluation des Systemes Informatiques,” These de Docteur Ingegneur, CNAM, Paris, France (1980).