1. E. C. Bain and J. R. Vilella: Austenitic Grain Size in Steel. A.S.M. Handbook, 1948 ed., p. 399–406.
2. G. A. Roberts and R. F. Mehl: The Mechanism and the Rate of Formation of Austenite from Ferrite-Cementite Aggregates. Trans. A.S.M. (1943) 31, 613–650.
3. E. C. Bain: Functions of the Alloying Elements in Steel. A.S.M. (1939) p. 101–112.
4. J. M. Robertson: The Transformation of Austenite Below the Critical Range. Carnegie Scholarship Memoirs (1931) p. 1–64.
5. C. L. Shapiro: The Effect of Heat Treatment, Aging and Working Upon the Condition of Carbon in Steel. Carnegie Scholarship Memoirs (1936) p. 141–196.