1. Joint Commission on Mental Health and Children. Crisis in Child Mental Health. New York: Harper & Row; 1969.
2. President’s Commission on Mental Health. Report of the Sub-task Panel on Infants, Children, and Adolescents. Washington, DC: Author; 1978.
3. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. Children’s Mental Health: Problems and Services—A Background Paper. Washington, DC: Author; 1986.
4. Knitzer J. Unclaimed Children: The Failure of Public Responsibility to Children and Adolescents in Need of Mental Health Services. Washington, DC: Children’s Defense Fund; 1982.
5. Stroul BA, Friedman RM. The system of care concept and philosophy. In: Stroul BA, ed. Children’s Mental Health: Creating Systems of Care in a Changing Society. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.; 1996:3–21.