1. R. E. Walker and T. A. Johnston, Nucl. Engr. Intl. 14 (1969) 1069.
2. R. C. Dahlberg, R. F. Turner and W. V. Goeddel, ibid 14 (1969) 1073.
3. H. B. Stewart, R. C. Dahlberg, W. V. Goeddel, D. B. Trauger, P. R. Kasten and A. L. Lotts, in ?Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy?, Vol. 4 (United Nations, Geneva, 1971) p. 433.
4. V. S. Boyer, J. P. Gibbons, T. A. Johnston, R. J. Hoe, D. K. Feldtmose and W. C. Drotleff Nucl. Engr. Intl. 19 (1974) 635.
5. R. C. Dahlberg and L. H. Brooks, ibid 19 (1974) 640.