1. Andrews, William L. 1986. To Tell a Free Story: The First Century of Afro-American Autobiography, 1760–1865. Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
2. Berlant, Lauren. 1995. “The Queen of America Goes to Washington City: Harriet Jacobs, Frances Harper, Anita Hill.” In Subjects and Citizens: Nation, Race, and Gender from Oroonoko to Anita Hill, edited by Michael Moon and Cathy N. Davidson, 455–480. Durham: Duke University Press.
3. Blackwell, Elizabeth. (1852) 1986. The Laws of Life, with Special Reference to the Physical Education of Girls. New York: George Putnam. Reprint, New York: Garland Publishing. Citations refer to the Garland edition.
4. –––. 2005. Pioneer Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women. New York: Humanity Books.
5. Braxton, Joanne M. 1989. Black Women Writing Autobiography: A Tradition Within a Tradition. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.