1. Eurocode 2, ‘Design of concrete structures’, Final draft, October 1990.
2. Eurostandard, prEN 10080, ‘Steels for the reinforcement of concrete, weldable ribbed reinforcing steel B500’, September 1993.
3. CEB-FIP Model Code ‘90, Bulletin d'Information No. 213/214, pp. 71–74, ‘Reinforcing steel’, May 1993, Thomas Telford Editor.
4. Eurocode 8, «Structure in zone sismiche», Progetto. Parte 1, Parte generale ed edifici. Maggio 1988.
5. Cosenza E., Greco C. and Manfredi G., ‘Remarks on defining the concept of ‘equivalent steel’, Technical Report No. 29, Structural Division, University of Salerno, 1992.