1. S. Prochazka, in ?Ceramics for High-Performance Applications? edited by J. J. Burke, A. E. Gorum and R. N. Katz, (Brook Hill Publishing Co., Chestnut Hill, MA, 1974) p. 239.
2. Y. Murata and R. H. Smoak, in Proceedings of the International Symposium of Factors in Densification and Sintering of Oxide and Non-oxide Ceramics, Hakone, Japan, 3?5 October 1978, edited by S. Somiya and S. Saito (Gakujutsu Bunken Fukyu-kai, Ookayama, Japan, 1978) p. 382.
3. W. Bocker and H. Hausner, Powder Met. Int. 10 (1978) 87.
4. W. Bocker, H. Landfermann and H. Hausner, ibid. 11 (1979) 83.
5. W. S. Coblenz, PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (1981).