1. V. S. Ivanova, Fatigue Failure of Metals [in Russian], Metallurgizdat, Moscow (1963).
2. I. A. Oding, Structural Symptoms of Metal Fatigue for Determining Causes of Machine Failures [in Russian], Izd-vo. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow-Leningrad (1949).
3. Some Problems of Fatigue Resistance of Steels. Considering the Influence of the Active Media. Collection of Articles [in Russian], Izd-vo. Akad. Nauk UkrSSR, Kiev (1955).
4. E. I. Berniker, Tight Fittings in Machine Construction [in Russian], Mashinostroenie, Moscow-Leningrad (1966).
5. I. M. Pavlov and A. V. Krupin, in: Trans. of the Inst. of Metallurgy [in Russian], Metallurgizdat, No. 9, Moscow (1960).