Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Reference9 articles.
1. J. Bradfield, J. Esparza, and A. Mader. An effective tableau system for the linear time μ-calculus. In F. Meyer auf der Heide and B. Monien, editors, Proceedings of ICALP'96, number 1099 in LNCS. Springer Verlag, 1996.
2. S. Christensen. Decidability and Decomposition in Process Algebras. PhD thesis, Edinburgh University, 1993.
3. Javier Esparza. Petri nets, commutative context-free grammars and basic parallel processes. In Horst Reichel, editor, Fundamentals of Computation Theory, number 965 in LNCS. Springer Verlag, 1995.
4. J. Esparza. More infinite results. In B. Steffen and T. Margaria, editors, Proceedings of INFINITY'96, number MIP-9614 in Technical report series of the University of Passau. University of Passau, 1996.
5. E. Mayr. An algorithm for the general petri net reachability problem. SIAM Journal of Computing, 13:441–460, 1984.
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7 articles.