1. R. L. Bishop andR. J. Crittenden,Geometry of Manifolds, Academic Press, New York, 1964.
2. R. W. Brockett, System theory on group manifolds and coset spaces,SIAM, J. Control 10 (1972), 265–284.
3. R. W. Brockett, Lie theory and control systems defined on spheres, presented at the Drexel University-SIAM Conference on Lie algebras; Applications and Computational Methods, Phila., Pa., June, 1972.
4. R. W. Brockett, Algebraic decomposition methods for nonlinear systems, in “Systems Structure”,IEEE Special publication, No. 71CG1-CSS, August, 1971 (S. Morse, Editor).
5. R. W. Brockett, On the algebraic structure of bilinear systems, inVariable Structure Control Systems, (R. Mohler and A. Ruberti, eds.), Academic Press, 1972, 153–168.