1. I. Nonaka: in Proceedings of Second Conference on Small Sample Test Techniques-Determination of Mechanical Properties of Materials by Small Punch and Other Miniature Testing Techniques, K. Matocha, R. Hurst, and W. Sun, eds., Ostrava, 2012, pp. 19–25.
2. B. Dogan and T. Hyde: in Proceedings of Second Conference on Small Sample Test Techniques-Determination of Mechanical Properties of Materials by Small Punch and Other Miniature Testing Techniques, K. Matocha, R. Hurst, and W. Sun, eds., Ostrava, 2012, pp. 26–37.
3. Y. Li, M. Sun, and C. Zhang: in Proceedings of Second Conference on Small Sample Test Techniques-Determination of Mechanical Properties of Materials by Small Punch and Other Miniature Testing Techniques, K. Matocha, R. Hurst, and W. Sun, eds., Ostrava, 2012, pp. 47–63.
4. T.H. Hyde, F. Cortellino, J.P. Rouse, and W. Sun: in Proceedings of Second Conference on Small Sample Test Techniques-Determination of Mechanical Properties of Materials by Small Punch and Other Miniature Testing Techniques, K. Matocha, R. Hurst, and W. Sun, eds., Ostrava, 2012, pp. 64–74.
5. Y. Zheng, J. Zhou, X. Ling, Z. Yang, S. Yang, Y, and Wang: in Proceedings of Second Conference on Small Sample Test Techniques-Determination of Mechanical Properties of Materials by Small Punch and Other Miniature Testing Techniques, K. Matocha, R. Hurst, and W. Sun, eds., Ostrava, 2012, pp. 127–31.