1. The Physics of Welding, 2nd ed., J.F. Lancaster, ed., Pergamon Press, Oxford, United Kingdom, 1986.
2. S.J. Maddox: Fatigue Strength of Welded Structures, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Abington, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1969.
3. J.F. Lancaster: Handbook of Structural Welding, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Abington, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1992.
4. P. Pototzky, H.J. Maier, and H.J. Christ: Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 1998, vol. 29A, pp. 2995–3004.
5. J.R. Cho: Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2003.