1. J.R. Davis, ed.: ASM Specialty Handbook: Cast Irons, ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1996.
2. G.M. Goodrich, Technical Editor: Iron Castings Engineering Handbook, American Foundry Society (AFS), Des Plaines, IL, 2003.
3. R. Elliott, Cast Iron Technology, Butterworths, London, UK, 1988.
4. D. Li, R. Perrin, G. Burger, D. McFarlan, B. Black, R. Logan, and R. Williams: in Advances in Lightweight Automotive Castings and Wrought Aluminum Alloys, 2004 SAE World Congress, Detroit, MI, March 8–11, 2004, No. 2004-01-0792.
5. B. Black, G. Burger, R. Logan, R. Perrin, and R. Gundlach: Microstructure and Dimensional Stability in Si-Mo Ductile Irons for Elevated Temperature Applications, SAE International, No. 2002-01-2115.