1. D. O. Gorelik et al., Tr. NPO VNIIM im. D. I. Mendeleeva, No. 241 (301), Leningrad (1979), p. 42.
2. C. Fabry, A General Introduction to Photometry [Russian translation], GTTI, Leningrad-Moscow (1934), p. 106.
3. J. Kay and T. Laby, Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants [Russian translation], GIFML, Moscow (1962), pp. 91?94.
4. B. F. Dodge, Chemical Thermodynamics [Russian translation], IL, Moscow (1950), pp. 212?219, 750?751.
5. E. M. Voronkova et al., Optical Materials for Infrared Engineering [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1965).