1. Zelinka Ivan, Artificial Intelligence in Problems of Global Optimization, Czech ed., BEN, ISBN 80–7300–069–5
2. Zelinka Ivan, Vladimir Vasek, Jouni Lampinen, New Algorithms of Global Optimization, Automatizace (Journal of Automatization, Czech Ed.), 10/01, 628–634, ISSN 0005–125X
3. Zelinka, I., Vasek, V., Lampinen, J.: SOMA and Differential Evolution - New Algorithms of Global Optimisation, Fine Mechanics and Optics, 4/2002, p. 112–117, ISSN 0447–6441
4. Zelinka, I., Kolomazník, K., Lampinen, J., Nolle L.: SOMA–Selforganizing Migrating Algorithm and its application in the Mechanical Engineering. Part 1.–Theory of Algorithm, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 21 p., ISSN 1210–2717
5. Zelinka, I., Kolomazník, K., Lampinen, J., Nolle L.: SOMA — Selforganizing Migrating Algorithm and its application in the Mechanical Engineering. Part 1. — Testing and Applications, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 23 p., ISSN 1210–2717