1. The BCSLIB Mathematical/Statistical Library,
2. Agullo, E., Guermouche, A., L’Excellent, J.-Y.: Towards a parallel out-of-core multifrontal solver: Preliminary study. Research report 6120, INRIA. Also appeared as LIP report RR2007-06 (February 2007)
3. Agullo, E.: On the out-of-core factorization of large sparse matrices. Phd thesis, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (October 2008) (submitted)
4. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;E. Agullo,2007
5. Amestoy, P.R., Guermouche, A., L’Excellent, J.-Y., Pralet, S.: Hybrid scheduling for the parallel solution of linear systems. Parallel Computing 32(2), 136–156 (2006)