Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Reference5 articles.
1. N. Bohr: Collected Works (Amsterdam, Vol. 2 1981 and Vol. 4 1977)
2. J.J. Balmer: Notiz über die Spectrallinien des Wasserstoffs. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Basel (1885), 548–560, 750–752 and Annalen der Physik (3rd ser.) 25M, 80–87
3. J.J. Balmer: A new formula for the wave-lengths of spectral lines. Astrophysical Journal 5, 199–209 (1897), (with the geometric analogy that had originally guided him in his search for the formula)
4. W. Huggins: On the photographic spectra of stars. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 171, 669–690 and plate 33 (1880); summary in Nature 21, 269–270 (1880)
5. A. Sommerfeld: Atombau und Spektrallinien (Braunschweig: Vieweg 1919); Engl. transl. Atomic Structure and Spectral Lines (London: Methuen 1923)