1. Jarvis, R.A.: A Vision Assisted Semi-Autonomous user-Adaptive Rough Terrain Wheelchair. In: Proc. 4th Asian Conference on Robotics and its Applications, Singapore, pp. 45–50 (June 6-8th, 2001)
2. Jarvis, R.A.: A Go Where You are Looking Semi-Autonomous Rough Terrain Robotic Wheelchair. In: The First International ICSC Congress on Autonomous Intelligent Systems, Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, pp. 12–15 (accepted for presentation)
3. Jarvis, R.A.: Collision-Free Trajectory Planning Using Distance Transforms.In: Proc. National Conference and Exhibition on Robotics, Melbourne (August 20-24, 1984);
4. Also in Mechanical Engineering Transactions, Journal of the Institution of Engineers, ME10(3), 187–191 (September 1995)
5. Jarvis, R.A.: On Distance Transform Based Collision-Free Path Planning for Robot Navigation in Known, Unknown and Time-Varying Environments. In: Zheng, Y.F. (ed.) Invited chapter for a book entitled ’Recent Trends in Mobile Robots, pp. 3–31. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd, Singapore (1994)