1. ITU-R BS.1116, “Methods for the subjective assessment of small impairments in audio systems including multichannel sound systems,” 1994. International Telecommunications Union, Geneva, Switzerland.
2. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 (MPEG) International Standard ISO/IEC 11172-3, “Coding of moving pictures and associated audio for digital storage media at up to about 1.5 Mbit/s,” 1992.
3. D. Pan,“A tutorial on MPEG/Audio compression,” IEEE Multimedia, pp. 60-74, 1995.
4. P. Noll,“MPEG digital audio coding,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, pp. 59-81, September 1997.
5. K. Brandenburg, “MP3 and AAC explained,” in Proceedings of the 17th Inter-national Conference on High Quality Audio Coding of the Audio Engineering Society (AES), September 1999.