1. Aichernig, B.K., Gerstinger, A., Aster, R.: Formal specification techniques as a catalyst in validation. In: Proceedings of the 5th Conference on High-Assurance Software Engineering, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, November 15-17. IEEE, Los Alamitos (2000)
2. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;B.K. Aichernig,2001
3. Aichernig, B.K.: Test-Design through Abstraction – A Systematic Approach Based on the Refinement Calculus. Journal of Universal Computer Science 7(8), 710–735 (2001)
4. Aichernig, B.K.: The commuting V-diagram: On the relation of refinement and testing. Technical Report 254, The United Nations University, International Institute for Software Technology (UNU/IIST), P.O. Box 3058, Macau (May 2002)
5. Aichernig, B.K.: Contract-based mutation testing in the refinement calculus. In: REFINE 2002, the BCS-FACS refinement workshop, affiliated with FME 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 20-21, 2002. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (2002) (to appear)