1. Moore, R.E.: Methods and Applications of Interval Analysis. SIAM, Philadelphia (1979)
2. Neumaier, A.: Interval Methods for Systems of Equations. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1990)
3. Fong, K., Jefferson, T., Suyehiro, T., Walton, L.: Guide to the SLATEC common mathematical library. Technical report (1990), netlib.org , http://www.netlib.org/slatec/
4. Press, W.H., Flannery, B.P., Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, W.T.: Numerical Recipes in Fortran: The Art of Scientific Computing, 2nd edn. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1992); Also available for Fortran 90, C, and C++
5. Press, W.H., Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, W.T., Flannery, B.P.: Numerical Recipes in C++: The Art of Scientific Computing, 2nd edn. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2002)