1. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence;P. Brézillon,2005
2. Brézillon, P.: Contextualizations in social networks. In: Schultz, S., Roth-Berghofer, T., Brézillon, P. (eds.) Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle (Special Issue on Applying Context Management) 19(3), 575–594 (2005b)
3. Brézillon, J., Brézillon, P.: Context modeling: Context as a dressing of a focus. Kokinov, B., Richardson, D.C., Roth-Berghofer, T.R., Vieu, L. (eds.) CONTEXT 2007. LNCS (LNAI), vol. 4635, Springer, Heidelberg (2007)
4. Brézillon, P.: Pomerol, J.-Ch.: Contextual knowledge sharing and cooperation in intelligent assistant systems. Le Travail Humain, vol. 62(3), pp. 223–246. PUF, Paris (1999)
5. Brézillon, P., Cavalcanti, M., Naveiro, R., Pomerol, J.-Ch.: SART: An intelligent assistant for subway control. Pesquisa Operacional. Brazilian Operations Research Society 20(2), 247–268 (2000)