1. Wegner, P.: The Vienna Definition Language. ACM Comput. Surv. 4(1), 5–63 (1972)
2. Jones, C.B.: The transition from VDL to VDM. J. UCS 7(8), 631–640 (2001)
3. Scott, D.S., Strachey, C.: Towards a mathematical semantics for computer languages. In: Proc. Symp. on Computers and Automata. Microwave Research Inst. Symposia, vol. 21, pp. 19–46. Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (1971) (Also Tech. Mono. PRG-6, Oxford Univ. Comp. Lab.) (August 1971)
4. Strachey, C.: Towards a formal semantics. In: Steel Jr., T.B. (ed.) Formal Language Description Languages for Computer Programming, Proc. IFIP Work. Conf., Vienna, 1964, pp. 198–220. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1966)
5. Strachey, C.: Fundamental concepts in programming languages. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 13(1/2), 11–49 (2000) (Originally lecture notes, NATO Copenhagen Summer School, 1967)