Monotonic Abstraction for Programs with Dynamic Memory Heaps


Abdulla Parosh Aziz,Bouajjani Ahmed,Cederberg Jonathan,Haziza Frédéric,Rezine Ahmed


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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1. Model checking boot code from AWS data centers;Formal Methods in System Design;2020-04-15

2. Dynamic Partial Order Reduction Under the Release-Acquire Semantics (Tutorial);Networked Systems;2019

3. Model Checking Boot Code from AWS Data Centers;Computer Aided Verification;2018

4. Decidability of inferring inductive invariants;ACM SIGPLAN Notices;2016-04-08

5. Decidability of inferring inductive invariants;Proceedings of the 43rd Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages;2016-01-11







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