Local Computation of PageRank Contributions


Andersen Reid,Borgs Christian,Chayes Jennifer,Hopcraft John,Mirrokni Vahab S.,Teng Shang-Hua


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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1. Scalable decoupling graph neural network with feature-oriented optimization;The VLDB Journal;2023-12-27

2. Estimating Single-Node PageRank in Õ (min{ d t , √ m }) Time;Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment;2023-07

3. Personalized PageRank on Evolving Graphs with an Incremental Index-Update Scheme;Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data;2023-05-26

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5. IFCA: Index-Free Community-Aware Reachability Processing Over Large Dynamic Graphs;2023 IEEE 39th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE);2023-04








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