1. Masumoto, Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ., 15, 449–477 (1926) as quoted by Jellinghaus, W., “The Iron-Cobalt-Copper System” (in German), Arch. Eisenhuettenwes., 10, 115–118 (1936)
2. Roll, F., “The Influence of Aluminium and Cobalt on the Miscibility Gap of the Iron-Copper System in the Solid State” (in German), Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 216, 133–137 (1933) (Experimental, 16)
3. Jellinghaus, W., “The Iron-Cobalt-Copper System” (in German), Arch. Eisenhuettenwes., 10, 115–118 (1936) (Experimental, Morphology, Phase Diagram, 16)
4. Jellinghaus, W., “Iron-Cobalt-Copper Alloys”, Metallurgist, 10, 180–182 (1936) (Phase Diagram, Phase Relations, 3)
5. Maddocks, W.R., Claussen G.E., “Alloys of Iron-Copper-Carbon-Cobalt”, Iron Steel Inst., Special Rep., 14, 97–124 (1936) (Morphology, Phase Diagram, Phase Relations, Experimental, Magn. Prop., 3)