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2. Tamaru, K., “On the Equilibrium Diagram of the System Iron-Carbon-Titanium”, Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ., 14(1), 25–32 (1925) (Experimental, Morphology, Phase Diagram, Phase Relations, Phys. Prop., 4)
3. Tofaute, W., Buettinghaus, A., “The Iron rich Corner of the Iron-Titanium-Carbon System” (in German), Arch. Eisenhuettenwes., 12(1), 33–37 (1938) (Experimental, Phase Relations, Phase Diagram, 8)
4. Tofaute, W., Buttinghaus, A., “Iron-Titanium-Carbon Alloys”, Metallurgist (Suppl. Engineer), 11, 190–192 (1938) (Crys. Structure, Review, Phase Diagram, 8)
5. Northcott, L., “Section V.-Titamium and its Effect Upon Iron and Steel. I.-A. Summary of Published Information”, Iron Steel Inst. Special Rep., 24, 107–146 (1939) (Mechan. Prop., Phase Diagram, Phase Relations, Review, 121)