1. W Meyer-Ilse, P Guttmann, J Thieme, D Rudolph, G Schmahl, E Anderson, P E Batson, D Attwood, N Iskander and D Kern, This Volume.
2. E Kratschmer, S Rishton, D P Kern and T H P Chang, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B6 2074 (1988)
3. E Kratschmer, S Rishton, H E Luhn, D P Kern and T H P Chang, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B7 1418–1421 (1989)
4. The efficiency measurements of these nickel zone plates were made by J Kirz et al at the la beamline at NSLS in Brookhaven NY.
5. H Ade, J Kirz, S L Hulbert, E D Johnson, E Anderson and D Kern, This Volume.