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2. Buason, G.: Competitive co-evolution of sensory-motor systems – Appendix. Technical Report HS-IDA-TR-02-004. Dept. of Computer Science, University of Skövde (2002b)
3. Buason, G., Ziemke, T.: Competitive Co-Evolution of Predator and Prey Sensory- Motor Systems. In: Cagnoni, et al. (eds.) Applications of Evolutionary Computing – EvoWorkshops 2003, pp. 605–615. Springer, Berlin (2003)
4. Buason, G., Ziemke, T.: Co-Evolving Task-Dependent Visual Morphologies in Predator-Prey Experiments. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (to appear) (in press)
5. Carlsson, J., Ziemke, T.: YAKS – Yet Another Khepera Simulator. In: Rückert, U., Sitte, J., Witkowski, M. (eds.) Autonomous minirobots for research and entertainment, pp. 235–241. HNI-Verlagsschriftenreihe, Paderborn (2001)