1. Mashava v President of the RSA and Others 2004 (12) BCLR 1243 (CC).
2. Ibid., para. 51 (per Van Der Westhuizen J). See also: Haroon Bhorat, ‘The South African Social Safety Net: Past, Present and Future’ 4 (1995) 12 Development Southern Africa 595.
3. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (principal author: Vivienne Taylor) South Africa: Transformation for Human Development (UNDP, 2000) 55. According to another study, although South Africa is an upper-middle-income country in per capita terms, most households experience either outright poverty or vulnerability to poverty: Julian May (ed.) Poverty and Inequality in South Africa (University of Natal, 1998) 1.
4. The expanded definition of unemployment, which includes discouraged work-seekers, is 41.8%. See: Morné Oosthuizen and Haroon Bhorat, The Post-Apartheid South African Labour Market, (Strategies and Analysis for Growth and Access (SAGA) Working Paper, 2004) 3.
5. This covers a range of economic and legal relationships, including casual, seasonal, home-based, sub-contract work, and employment in the informal sector. See: Jan Theron and Shane Godfrey Protecting workers on the periphery, (Development and Labour Monographs, Institute of Development and Labour Law, University of Cape Town, 2000).