1. On the conceptual security debate since 1990 see i.a.: Cousens/ Kumar/ Wermester (2001); Hammerstad (2000); Hurrell (1999); Patman (1999); Rothschild (1995); Terriff/ Croft/James/Morgan (1999); Tuchman Mathews (1989); VÄyrynen (1999).
2. On the human security debate see i.a.: Human Security Network News Bulletin (2001ff.); Newman/Richmond, (2001); Tehranian (1999); UNDP 1993, 1994, 2001.
3. Yukio Takasu: “Toward Effective Cross-Sectorial Partnership to Ensure Human Security in a Globalised World”, at: , see Shinoda (2007).
4. Government of Japan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Diplomatic Bluebook 1999, Chap. 2, Sec. 3; at , see also Japan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2000, 2000a, 2000b, 2000c).
5. See: George MacLean: “Comparison of human security definitions”, at: ; MacLean: “The Changing Perception of Human Security: Coordinating National and Multilateral Responses!”, at: .