1. W3C, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) v1.2, Whitepaper, W3C Technical Publications, http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP/
2. W3C, Web Service Description Language (WSDL) v1.2, Whitepaper, W3C Technical Publications, http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl12/
3. Uddi.org, Universal Description, Discovery and Integration, UDDI Executive Whitepaper (November 2001)
4. Malhotra, J.: Ph.D., Co-Founder & CEO interKeel Inc., Challenges in Developing Web Services-based e-Business Applications, Whitepaper, interKeel Inc. (2001)
5. Szyperski, C.: Components and Web Services. Beyond Objects column, Software Development 9(8) (August 2001)