1. Horty, J.: Personal communication (2007)
2. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;J.M. Broersen,2008
3. Herzig, A., Troquard, N.: Knowing How to Play: Uniform Choices in Logics of Agency. In: Weiss, G., Stone, P. (eds.) 5th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS 2006), Hakodate, Japan, May 8-12, pp. 209–216. ACM Press, New York (2006)
4. Broersen, J., Herzig, A., Troquard, N.: A normal simulation of coalition logic and an epistemic extension. In: Proceedings Theoretical Aspects Rationality and Knowledge (TARK XI), Brussels
5. Balbiani, P., Gasquet, O., Herzig, A., Schwarzentruber, F., Troquard, N.: Coalition games over Kripke semantics: expressiveness and complexity. In: Dègremont, C., Keiff, L., Rückert, H. (eds.) Festschrift in Honour of Shahid Rahman. College Publications (to appear, 2008)