1. Arthur C. Clarke. 2001 A Space Odyssey. New American Library, 1968.
2. Robert E. Edelson, Boyd D. Madsen, Esker K. Davis, and Glenn W. Garrison. Voyager telecommunications: The broadcast from Jupiter. Attention to detail, complex coding, cryogenic masers, and a global antenna network tell us of another world. Science, 204(4396):913–921, June 1 1979.
3. Number JPL TR 32-1533;N. Renzetti,1971
4. World Spaceflight News. 21st Century complete guide to the NASA Deep Space Network.
5. William A. Imbriale and Joseph H. Yuen, editors. Spaceborne Antennas for Planetary Exploration. Deep-Space Communications and Navigation Series. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., April 2006.