1. Allario, F.; Hoell, J.M.; Katzberg, S.J.; and Larsen, J.C.: “An Experiment Concept to Measure Stratospheric Trace Constituents by Laser Heterodyne Spectroscopy”. Applied Physics 23, pp. 47–56, 1980.
2. Linden, K.J.; Butler, J.F.; Nill, K.W.; and Reeder, R.E.: “Development of Lead Salt Semiconductor Lasers for the 9–17 Micron Spectral Region”. NASA CR-165682; March 1981.
3. Harward C.N. and Sidney B.D.: “Excess Noise in Pb1-xSnxSe Semiconductor Lasers”. Proceedings of the Heterodyne Systems and Technology Conference, NASA CP-2138, pp. 129–142, 1980.
4. Brockman, P.; Bair, C.H.; and Allario F.: “High Resolution Spectral Measurement of the HNO3 11.3-μm Band Using Tunable Diode Lasers”. Applied Optics, Volume 17, Number 1; January 1, 1978.
5. Hoell, J.M.; Harward, C.N.; Bair, C.H.; and Williams, B.S.: “Ozone Air Broadening Coefficients in the 9μm Region”. Accepted for Publication in Optical Engineering, May/June 1982.