1. Bădică, C., Ganzha, M., Paprzycki M.: Rule-Based Automated Price Negotiation: an Overview and an Experiment. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC’2006, Zakopane, Poland. Springer LNAI, 2006 (in press)
2. Bădică, C., Bădită, A., Ganzha, M., Iordache, A., Paprzycki M.: Implementing Rule-based Mechanisms for Agent-based Price Negotiations. In: L. Liebrock (ed.): Proceedings of the ACM Symposyum on Applied Computing, SAC’2006, Dijon, France. ACM Press, New York, NY, pp.96-100, 2006.
3. Bădică, C., Ganzha, M., Paprzycki, M., Pîrvănescu, A.: Combining Rule-Based and Plugin Components in Agents for Flexible Dynamic Negotiations. In: M. Pĕchouc̆ek, P. Petta, and L.Z. Varga (Eds.): Proceedings of CEEMAS’05, Budapest, Hungary. LNAI 3690, Springer-Verlag, pp.555-558, 2005.
4. Bădică, C., Ganzha, M., Paprzycki, M., Pîrvănescu, A.: Experimenting With a Multi-Agent E-Commerce Environment. In: V. Malyshkin (Ed.): Proceedings of PaCT’2005, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. LNCS 3606, Springer-Verlag, pp.393-402, 2005.
5. Bădică, C., Ganzha, M., Paprzycki, M.: Mobile Agents in a Multi-Agent E-Commerce System. In: Proceedings 7th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC’05, Timisoara, Romania. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, pp.207-214, 2005.