On Superconductivity and Superfluidity (What I Have and Have Not Managed to Do), As Well As on the ‘Physical Minimum’ at the Beginning of the 21st Century



Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Reference81 articles.

1. V.L. Ginzburg, Usp. Fiz. Nauk 167, 429, 1997; 168, 363, 1998 [Phys. Usp. 40, 407, 1997; 41, 307, 1998]. (It is also Chap.2 in this book.)

2. V.L. Ginzburg, O Nauke, o Sebe i o Drugikh (About Science, Myself, and Oth ers), Fizmatlit, Moscow, 200310 [Translated into English, IOP Publ., Bristol, 2005, Chap. 7].

3. V.L. Ginzburg, L.D. Landau, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 20, 1064, 1950; This paper was published in English in the volume: L.D. Landau, Collected Papers, p.546, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1965. (See Chap.4 below.)

4. A.A. Abrikosov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 32, 1442, 1957 [Sov. Phys. JETP 5, 1174, 1957].

5. E.M. Lifshitz, L.P. Pitaevskii, Statisticheskaya Fizika (Statistical Physics) Pt. 2, Teoriya Kondensirovannogo Sostoyaniya (Theory of Condensed State), Nauka, Moscow, 1978, 1999 [Translated into English, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1980].

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