1. MPICH-G2 grid-enabled implementation of the MPI v1.1 standard based on the MPICH library, http://www.nsf-middleware.org/NMIR3/components/mpichg2.asp
2. PACX-MPI described in Mueller, M., Gabriel, E., Resch, M.: A Software Development Environment for Grid Computing. In: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Grid Computing environments Special Issue 13-15, vol. 14, pp. 1543–1552 (2002)
3. Fox, G., Gannon, D., Ko, S.-H., Lee, S., Pallickara, S., Pierce, M., Qiu, X., Rao, X., Uyar, A., Wang, M., Wu, W.: Peer-to-Peer Grids. Chapter 18 of Reference [4]
4. Berman, F., Fox, G., Hey, T. (eds.): Grid Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester (2003) ISBN 0-470- 85319-0, http://www.grid2002.org
5. High Performance Java, http://www.hpjava.org