1. See www.ecp.nl; the final version of the Code of Conduct was launched in October 2001.
2. EC Convention dated 27 September 1968 (1969 Tractatenblad No. 101) as amended in 1978, 1982 and 1989, with Protocol and Joint Declaration, and followed by a similar convention between the EC member states and the EFTA (European Free Trade Association) states on 16 September 1988 (Lugano Convention; 1989 Trb. No. 58).
3. See for more information, L. Strikwerda, Inleiding to het Nederlandse internationaal privaatrecht, 6e druk 2000.
4. For information on ODR, see Computerrecht no. 5, 2001.
5. Article 58 Brussels Convention or article 59 Council Directive. See for more information, M.V. Polak, International Privaatrecht: Vangnet voor het Internet?, Preadvies NJV 1998, p. 61–118.