1. Haar, Alfréd, Összegyüjtött Munkái = Gesammelte Arbeiten, ed. Béla Sz.-Nagy, Akadémiai Kiadó (Budapest, 1959).
2. Neumann, János (John von Neumann), Collected Works, 6 volumes, ed. A. H. Taub, Pergamon Press (New York, 1961). Of interest to this survey are Vol. I: Logic, theory of sets and quantum mechanics; Vol. II: Operators, ergodic theory and almost periodic functions in a group; Vol. Ill: Rings of operators; and Vol. IV: Continuous geometry and other topics.
3. Mathematical Surveys and Monographs;L. Pukánszky,1999
4. Wigner, Jenö (E.P.), Collected Works, ed. A. Wightman, Springer-Verlag (Berlin-New York, 1993).
5. V. Bargmann, Irreducible unitary representations of the Lorentz group, Ann. of Math. (2), 48 (1947), 568–640.