1. Austrian Signature Act (Signaturgesetz - SigG), Art. 1 of the Act published in the Austrian Federal Law Gazette, part I, Nr. 190/1999
2. Federal Act on Provisions Facilitating Electronic Communications with Public Bodies (E-Government Gesetz - E-GovG), Art. 1 of the Act published in the Austrian Federal Law Gazette, part I, Nr. 10/2004, entered into force on 1 March (2004)
3. Federal Act concerning the Protection of Personal Data (Datenschutzgesetz - DSG2000), published in the Austrian Federal Law Gazette, part I No. 165/1999, on 17 (August 1999)
4. Austrian Security Manual, http://www.cio.gv.at/securenetworks/sihb/
5. OECD Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems and Networks, http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/edcams/infosecurity/popups/OECD_guidelines.pdf