1. Kosolapova, T.Ya., Makarenko, G.N., Serebryakova, T.I., Prilutskiy, E.V., Khorpyakov, O.T., Chernysheva, O.I., “About Nature of Boron Carbonitride. I. Investigation of Conditions for Obtaining of Boron Carbonitride” (in Russian), Poroshk. Metal. 1(97), 27–33 (1971) (Experimental, Phase Relations, Crys. Structure, 4)
2. Badyan, A., Nemyski, T., Appenkheymer, S., Ol’kusnik, E., “Crystal Strycture in The System Boron-Carbon-Nitrogen” (in Russian), in “Khim. Svyaz’ v Poluprovodn. I Polumetallakh.”, Nauka I Tekhn. Publish., Minsk, 362–365 (1972) (Experimental, Phase Relations, 4)
3. Andreeva, T.V., Dubovik, T.V., “Nature of Boron Carbonitride” in “Konfigurats. Lokaliz. Elektronov v Tverd. Tele”, Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 222–227 (1975) (Experimental, Phase Relations, 10)
4. Borisova, A.L., Martsenyuk, I.S., “Reaction of Boron and Aluminum Nitrides, and Materials Based on them, with Refractory Metals”, Powder Metall. Met. Ceram., 14(10), 822–826 (1975), translated from Poroshk. Metal., 10(154), 51–56 (1975) (Experimental, Morphology, 10)
5. Prilutskii, E.V., Makarenko, G.N., Serebryakova, T.I., “Structure and Properties of the Boron Carbonitride” (in Russian), Vysokotemperatur. Karbidy, Naukova Dumka, Kyev, 84–89 (1975) (Experimental, Crys. Structure, Phase Relations, 2)