1. See Office of the Prosecutor (OTP), Update on Communications, press release of February 10, 2006, http://www.icc-cpi.int/organs/otp/otp_com.html. According to the Report on Activities of the Court, as of September 16, 2005 1497 communications were submitted (ICC-ASP 4/16, Assembly of State Parties Fourth Session, p. 7, http://www.icccpi.int/library/asp/ICC-ASP-4-16_English.pdf).
2. See for this and the following information in the OTP press release, supra note 2.
3. Security Council Resolution 1593 (2005), adopted by a vote of 11–0, 4 abstentions (Algeria, Brazil, China, United States).
4. See, e.g., the Freiburg Declaration on the Position of the Prosecutor of a Permanent International Criminal Court, in L. Arbour et al. (eds.), The Prosecutor of a permanent ICC (2000), pp. 667 et seq. (printed versions in English, French, Spanish and German).
5. See supra note 2. For the management of referrals and communications in general see OTP, Paper on some policy issues before the Office of the Prosecutor, Annex: Referrals and Communications, http://www.icc-cpi.int/library/organs/otp/policy_annex_final_210-404.pdf.