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3. Abramson, D., Lewis, A., Peachey, T., Nimrod, O.: A Tool for Automatic Design Optimization. In: The 4th International Conference on Algorithms & Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2000), Hong Kong (December 2000)
4. Abramson, D., Lewis, A., Peachey, T.: Case Studies in Automatic Design Optimisation using the P-BFGS Algorithm. In: 2001 High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC 2001), Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference, Seattle, Washington (USA), April 2001, pp. 104–109 (2001)
5. Abramson, D., Lewis, A., Peachey, T., Fletcher, C.: An Automatic Design Optimization Tool and its Application to Computational Fluid Dynamics. In: SuperComputing 2001, Denver (November 2001)