1. ISO: Guide to the Expression of Uncertainties in Measurements (International Organization for Standardization, Geneva 1995)
2. AIAA: Assessment of Experimental Uncertainty with Application to Wind Tunnel Testing, AIAA S-071A-1999 (AIAA, Reston 1999)
3. AIAA: Calibration and Use of Internal Strain Gauge Balances with Application to Wind Tunnel Testing, AIAA R-091-2003 (AIAA, Reston 2003)
4. B. Ewald, G. Krenz: The accuracy problem of airplane development force testing in cryogenic wind tunnels, AIAA Paper 86-0776, Aerodynamic Testing Conference Palm Beach (AIAA, 1986)
5. B. Ewald: Balance Accuracy and Repeatability as a Limiting Parameter in Aircraft Development Force Measurements in Conventional and Cryogenic Wind Tunnels, AGARD FDP Symposium, Neapel, September 1987 (AGARD, 1987)