1. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;J. Gordijn,2000
2. Andersson, B., Bergholz, M., Grégoire, B., Johannesson, P., Schmitt, M., Zdravkovic, J.: From business to process models —a chaining methodology. In: Latour, T., Petit, M. (eds.) CAiSE 2006, pp. 211–218. Namur University Press (2006)
3. Pijpers, V., Gordijn, J.: Bridging business value models and process models in aviation value webs via possession rights. In: 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-40 2007), p. 175 (2007)
4. Weigand, H., Johannesson, P., Andersson, B., Bergholtz, M., Edirisuriya, A., Ilayperuma, T.: Value modeling and the transformation from value model to process model. In: Doumeingts, G., Muller, J., Morel, G., Vallespir, B. (eds.) Enterprise Interoperability: New Challenges and Approaches, pp. 1–10. Springer, Heidelberg (2007)
5. Gordijn, J., Akkermans, H.: Value-based requirements engineering: exploring innovative e-commerce ideas. Requirements Engineering 8, 114–134 (2003)