1. A. D. Galanin, In the coll.: Neutron Physics [in Russian], Gosatomizdat, Moscow (1961), p. 125.
2. A. Amouyal, P. Benoist, and J. Horowitz, J. Nucl. Energy,6, 79 (1957).
3. V. V. Goncharov et al. In the book: Transactions of the Second International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Reports by Soviet Scientists. Vol. 2, Atomizdat, Moscow (1959), p. 243.
4. P. P. Blagovol, In the coll.: Neutron Physics [in Russian], Gosatomizdat, Moscow (1961), p. 56.
5. V. I. Mostovoi et al. In the book: Transactions of the Second International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. Reports by Soviet Scientists. Vol. 2, Atomizdat, Moscow (1959), p. 546.